Taunton Thespians Archive - past productions

Ring Round the Moon, by Jean Anouilh

The Corfield Hall, Taunton, 5th - 8th January, 1955
Joshua, a crumbling butler William Sleep
Hugo, a young Man About Town Brian Stansfield
Frederic, his twin brother,
in love with
Brian Stansfield
Diana Messerschmann, engaged to Frederic,
secretly in love with Hugo
Marjorie Darker
Lady India, Messerschmann's mistress,
secretly in love with
Rosemary Labbett
Patrice Bombelles, Messerschmann's
secretive secretary
James Glover
Madame Desmortes, aunt to Hugo,
Frederic and Lady India
Katherine Key
Capulet, her faded companion Vera Rich
Messerschmann, Diana's father,
a melancholy millionaire
Alex Yandall
Romainville, a lepidopterist, patron of Gerald Holding
Isabelle, a ballet dancer Janet Wilkins
Her mother, a teacher of the pianoforte Beatrice Darby
A General Neil Trood
Producer Kenneth Galloway
Stage Director Sydney Mearing
Stage Manager Neil Trood
Assistant Stage Manager Peter Coombs
Ladies' costumes by the Thespians' wardrobe under the direction of Pat Attrill, Phyllis Peel Corbin, Alma Thomas and Gwen Wilkins
Floral Decorations Beatrice Darby
Scenic Assistants Hilda Chapman, Elsie Goldsmith, Mary Oldrey, Mary Owen, Kenneth Stalker
Prompt Pat Routley and Phyllis Brown
Property Mistress Sheila Durham
Lighting Brian Irving
Assisted By Harding Jenkins
Sound Effects Kathleen Marfell, Jean South
Call Girl Ann Goodliffe
Scenery Designed by Derek Wheal
Stewards Directed by James Weaver
Programme Sellers Directed by Alma Thomas