Taunton Thespians Archive - past productions

Relatively Speaking by Alan Ayckbourne

Corfield Hall, Taunton 15th – 18th March 1972
Greg David Rowe
Ginny Hilary Marshall
Sheila Elsie Goldsmith
Philip Patrick Sanders
Directed by William Sleep
Lighting Roger Tozer
Properties Kay Martyn & Gillian Woodroffe
Wardrobe Margaret Sanders
Assistant Stage Manager Audrey Angell
The settings executed by Chris Gulliford, Elizabeth Nortimer-White, John Burbery, Andrew Emmett, Mary Pring, Verity Wrathall, Peter Smith, Paul Fox-Strangeways
Sound John Reynolds
Production Secretary Betty Lea
Front of House & Acknowledgments
House Manager John howe
Programme sellers directed by Noreen Marfell
Box Office William & Vera Rich
Coffee Betty Lea & Marjorie Balman
For floral arrangements aand Garden Furniture Jennifer Collins, Green Shutters
For advance bookings Taylor’s Record Shop
For transport of scenery and auditorium fit-up The Tankards
For Props Winchester Arms hotel
For Props Midelton & Son, Tobacconist