Taunton Thespians Archive - past productions

Murder at the Vicarage, by Agatha Christie

Brewhouse Theatre & Arts Centre, Taunton 12th — 16th March 1996
The Vicar (the Rev. Leonard Clement) Nigel Carolan
Griselda (his wife) Nicola Webley
Dennis (his nephew) Jeremy Mills
Mary (the maid) Annette Balaam
Ronald Hawes (the curate) Marcus Palmer
Lettice Protheroe Catherine Bishop
Miss Marple Ruth Tremayne-Smith
Mrs Price Ridley Sue Shaxon
Anne Protheroe Jennie Western
Lawrence Redding (an artist) Matt Webber
Dr John Haydock John Burbery
Inspector Slack Robert Howe
Director Ian Ritchie
Set Design & Construction George Lashbrook & Peter Sussex
Lighting Design Sebastian Petit
Stage Manager Barrie Palmer
DSM Peter Gange
Sound Richard Potepa
Costume Members of the Society
Properties Clare Coe, Alexandra Neklesa & Thelma Wander
Prompt Andrew Holmes
Publicity Nicola Webley
Front of House Members of the Society